Summer Seminar — Sept 14-16, 2018

Like the sky

“I am the fire of nondual Wisdom that consumes the activities of the actionless Atman; I am the fire of nondual Wisdom that removes the sorrows of the sorrowless Atman; I am the nondual Wisdom that dissolves all the bodies of the bodiless Atman.  I am Pure Existence, Wisdom, and Bliss, as boundless as the sky, infinite like space. I am the fire of nondual Wisdom that eradicates the sins of the sinless Atman; I am the fire of nondual Wisdom that renders extinct the attributes of the attributeless Atman; I am the fire of nondual Wisdom that strikes off the bonds of the unbound Atman.  I am Pure Existence, Wisdom, and Bliss, as boundless as the sky, infinite like space.”

Chanting, Discourse, Commentary, and Contemplation of these Forty Verses from the Avadhuta Gita

Friday, September 14th: 6:00 PM – Satsang
Saturday, Sept 15th: 6:00am – 5:00pm (meditation, breakfast, morning and afternoon classes, dinner)
Sunday, Sept 16th: 6:00am – 5:00pm (meditation, breakfast and morning class)

Location: SRV Portland Ashram, Oregon
Accommodations: This is a non-residential seminar  
Contact us if you would like assistance with lodging. 808-990-3354 //

Tuition: $260; student, $130
Registration: Tuition due by Saturday, September 1st
Register by email: or by phone 808-990-3354
Financial hardship? Call to discuss options
Credit Cards are accepted and requires an additional 2.4% handling charge. (Call for international handling charge.)