Spring/Summer 2013


Jujukai – Ten Basic Precepts of Buddhism

1-never take a life

2-never engage in stealing

3-never be unchaste

4-never speak falsehoods

5-never sell or buy alcohol

6-never recount the misdeeds of others

7-never praise oneself and deprecate others

8-never be selfish with time or money

9-never engage in violence and aggression

10-never slander the Three Great Ones


Ordinary mind is impure by nature.  One does not purify it, then, one transcends it.  Zen sickness, called Zembyo, is all about dealing with emotions.  It is emotion that is short-circuiting the beginning practitioner’s spiritual life and practice.


When the realized soul’s consciousness returns to Everyman’s consciousness, everything has come full circle.  It is only that we need to know the difference between Everyman’s consciousness and nondual Consciousness, otherwise we cannot transcend the former.


Buddha never meant that Shunyata was empty of the Seer.


Swami Vivekananda said, “You are never in maya; it is maya that is in you.”  So we must be done with it for good.  That means Self-realization.  And do not worry about the word, “Self.”  Lord Buddha said,“The Self is master of the self, who else can that master be?”


Refuse to leave enlightenment; lay down the law to the mind and senses.


The innate perfection of everything is Buddhism’s special facet.


The result of dispelling doubt is the realization that we are imbued with Buddha Nature.