Manasana Retreat

Manasana Retreat Notes and Reflections Over Memorial Weekend, Babaji gave a retreat on Manasana, or mental posture.  The main chart used for this retreat placed manasanas (manas-asana) into three categories: Salubrious – manasanas that heal; Spiritual – manasanas that purify the mind; and Sempiternal – those representative of Eternal Truth.  In August, Babaji’s latest book on essential teachings of Indian …

Winter Retreat: Note & Reflections

Panchadasi and Panchakarana Retreat in Seattle February 26 – March 2, 2015 Over the years, Babaji has presented India’s cosmology from various perspectives.  First, via Sankhya and the 24 Cosmic Principles, then via Patanjali’s 8-Limbed Yoga system that takes each cosmic principle up for analytical contemplation for the purpose of involution to attain states of samadhi.  In synthesis mode, he …

Embracing Calm Equanimity

Embracing Calm Equanimity Namaste, and heartfelt greetings to the SRV Sangha and its many friends and supporters: A message for any issue of Munda Mala is always a joy to write, for one of the best aspects of life entails finding and experiencing an authentic Guru, sincere aspirants, and dharmic teachings along the spiritual path.  Lord Kapila, early on in …

Summer / Autumn 2014

Class notes from August to December, 2014 Dharma & the World, Moral & Ethical Life These teachings of the dharma are the solution to all the problems of the world.  To have Religion, you have to have some philosophy — not philosophy that is about argument and debate, but that which shows the way towards a time-tested practice that realizes …

Birth in the Dharma

In conjunction with our occasional Mundamala feature, “And Mother Claps Her Hands,” which introduces the sangha to newly initiated members, this new offering “Birth in the Dharma,” celebrates the arrival of souls born into the SRV sangha.  The strengthening of the householder ashrama through the practice of dharma and its various sadhanas in this age is crucial for the highest …

Antaranga – Swami Subodhananda

The monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna are each a unique spiritual personality, representing the Master and carrying his message throughout India and the world. They all were of exemplary character, vast spiritual depth, and they widely influenced many souls in their own lifetime, as well as those of future generations. After the great light that was Sri Ramakrishna left this …

Getting over the “How” of Spiritual Life (Just do it)

Getting over the “How” of Spiritual Life (Just do it) by Annapurna Sarada Recently, I have been part of some conversations concerning the desire of sangha members to know exactly “how” to put particular teachings into practice.   Of course, we love to have this modeled for us, but it seems that we forget that we have that at hand.  For …