Hawaii Winter Retreat

                      Sri Sarada Vijnanagita – honoring Holy Mother’s Birthday Dove-tailing an indepth study and recitation of the precious book, Sri Sarada Vijnanagita, with the group chanting of the 108 Names of Sarada, the winter retreat on the Big Island of Hawaii will transmit vast and deep spiritual power to all …

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Message from Babaji: Dharmic Rules & Practices During Challenging Times

Namaste All, and Aloha from Hawaii:I thought to write a general message to help orient, or reorient, all SRV practitioners and friends who are presently seeing this fresh health challenge loom before them.  The new kid on the block of potential doubt, fear, and suffering is this little germ that seems to have caught everyone off guard, and started the already way-too-vociferous tongues …

SRV’s First Retreat of 2021

A Full Course on Patanjali’s Raja Yoga  May 28th – June 1stStevenson, Washington   The noble Eight-Limbed Yoga of Lord Patanjali has still to fully arrive in the West, and this is due, in part, to Europe and America’s preoccupation with yoga of a physical kind only. In this retreat, the emphasis will begin with teachings on the abiding features of yama …

2019 Hawaii Retreat Notes

Comprehensive Teachings on AUM Retreat at the SRV Hawaii Retreat Center(affectionately called: Badrinath) Over the 7 classes of this retreat, Babaji presented four aspects of the teachings on AUM: 1) AUM as pervasion, i.e., its all-pervasive presence at every level of existence; 2)  AUM as theorigin and cause of all phenomena from unmanifested potential to the “solid” world weperceive; 3)  AUM as …

2019 Tripura Upanisad Retreat Notes

Tripura Upanisad Retreat at Mindful Heart Forest Retreat The selected teachings of this Upanisad and retreat focused upon the nature of Divine Mother’sthree “Puris,” or Cities, which can be termed Her gross, subtle, and causal Cities.  At first glance,it would seem that these might be related to the three worlds of bhur, bhuvah, and svaha, whichpertain to this physical world we …

Jai Ma Music Samples

“Ramakrishnanam” This endearing hymn to the Divine Being in human form speaks of Sri Ramakrishna as an emanation of the Supreme Brahman and an expression of the ultimate Shakti in one. This is explained through the utilization of many wonderful names with profound meanings. Listen here   Lyrics by Swami Harshananda Music composed by Babaji Bob Kindler From  Sarada Ramakrishna …

Hawaii Retreat

Comprehensive Teachings on AUM, The Word“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John, 1:1 November 8th – 12th, 2019, Big Island of Hawaii Of all the lost lore of true religion and authentic philosophy in this present age of spiritual ignorance, perhaps the most lamentable of disappearances are the many clarifying …

Nectar 2019 Issue #34

In Our Current Nectar Journal: Nectar of Nondual Truth #34 Featured Articles: Vedanta 101, by SRV Staff Universal Daoism & Advaita Vedanta, by Lam FuHo Chochmah, by Rabbi Rami Shapiro Threading The Needle, by Annapurna Sarada On The Haj, by Nur Al-Jerrahi / Lex Hixon The Blue Sky of Enlightened Mind, by Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche The Search for Everlasting Bliss, by Swami Brahmeshananda Nonseparation & Its Practice, by …