Hawaii Winter Retreat 2010

pathSankhya Yoga of Lord Kapila
December 17-20
Kipukamaluhia Dharma Sanctuary

The Hawaii retreat, set for December on the Big Island, will give all SRV devotees and students a rare opportunity to center in on that earliest and most important element of India’s multifaceted philosophical perspective.  Our study of Sankhya and its scriptures, though many of them were lost over time, will afford us to connect with its integrality in the darshanas of Yoga, Vedanta and Buddhism.  The Tattva Samasa Sutras will be the main focus, and the profound teachings found therein – such as The Ten Tenets of Sankhya, The Nine Complacencies, and the Eight Great Accomplishments.  Teachings on the twin principles of Purusha and Prakriti will also be transmitted, in conjunction to both their relationship and their distinctions.

Retreat Reflections

Fall 2009 at Buckhorn Springs: Mother Kali – The Divine Mother Principle Revealed Reflection on the Divine Mother Retreat, October 2009,  as seen throughthe First Stanza of Swami Vivekananda’s “Song of the Sannyasin” The song that had its birth far off was awakened at the Divine Mother Retreat,Her voice revealed in the pristine brook beside the Inn at Buckhorn Springs.  …

SRV’s Autumn Kundalini Yoga Retreat

Buckhorn Springs, Ashland, OregonThursday, October 7 to Monday, October 11 On the heels of our acclaimed Mother Kali Retreat of 2009, SRV’s staff and Spiritual Director are presenting a fitting follow-up and testament to the inmost path of Mother Wisdom by focusing in on the Mahashakti and Her superlative teachings on Kundalini Yoga.  This path will be approached appropriately, not …

SRV Summer Retreat

On the American River over GurupurnimaForesthill, Northern CaliforniaFriday, July 23 – Thursday, July 29 In accordance with the diverse group of differing levels of aspirant, and considering the presence of several interested teenagers who attend, this summer’s retreat will accent the mainstays of the path, such as the beginning stages of spiritual practice and those select methods which are designed …

SRV’s Spring Retreat in Seattle

SRV Spring Retreat in SeattleYantra, Tantra, & MantraMarch 10th – March 13th In accord with SRV’s two Divine Mother retreats, and as an addendum to all Tantric studies so far, teachings on Yantra, Tantra, and Mantra will be offered over this three day retreat in Seattle.  The subject of Mantra is well known to SRV students and devotees, but a …

SRV’s Spring Advaita Retreat

Seattle, WashingtonMemorial Weekend: Thursday, May 27 – Monday, May 31, 2010Taught by Babaji Bob Kindler, SRV Associations’ Spiritual Director Continuing in the spirit of last year’s retreat on Gaudapada’s famous commentary on the Mandukyopanisad, SRV’s Spring retreat will focus on the latter part of Gaudapada’s karika, especially the final section termed the “Phenomena of the Firebrand” prakarana.  In the remaining …

SRV’s Winter Seminar Weekend

Integrating the Four Classic Yogas in Daily Life

four paths(a non-residential retreat)
Portland, Oregon
March 6 & 7, 2010

A complete and in-depth explanation of the Four Yogas will be the main topic of SRV’s in-house seminar this coming winter.  Exploring the four yogas independently to begin, the art of integration, as accomplished by some of the world’s most adept yogis, will be explored, with an emphasis on applying these teachings to contemporary times, and especially our everyday lives.


SRV Kids Retreat

Reflection/Reviewby Marleigh Fansler I’ve been going to the kid’s retreat for two years now, and I have to tell you, it’s awesome!  Not only do you get to learn about a beautiful way of life, but each day you get to go down to the American River for some nice fun in the sun.  I enjoy the teachings of Vedanta …

“…Oh, for an Ounce of Practice!”

SRV Summer Retreat
by Mahesh Madhav

Swamiji asked us all to give forth one ounce of practice. We certainly partook in more than an ounce during the American River Retreat! I felt the balance of meditation, class, housework, and river play was a perfect mix to each day. We all had a chance to participate in these four activities, which I mapped onto raja, jnana, karma, and bhakti yogas. The retreat really showed us how to live a divine life by bringing these four yogas into practice each day.