Swami Vivekananda Vijnanagita

Table of Contents

Author’s Note/Introduction vii
God in Mankind 1
Love 7
Work, Service, and Action 13
Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother, and Guru Principle 27
Women 43
Caste 49
Truth and Direct Spiritual Experience 57
Self-effort, Character-building, and Wisdom 63
Vedanta 69
The World and Maya 75
Freedom 85
God with Form and without Form 91
Religion and Universalism 95
Bigotry, Fanaticism, and Hypocrisy 109
Reformation 121
India 129
Great Men 135
Tests, Troubles, and Challenges 141
The Poor, the Suffering, and the Lowly 149
The West 155
Authentic Spirituality 163
Education 169
The True Sannyasin 175
Death 179
Faith, Fearlessness, Strength, and Positivity 185
Human Imperfections 191
Hollow Ritualism and Priestcraft 199
Sacrifice and Renunciation 205