
An Extensive Anthology of Sri Ramakrishna’s Stories

by Babaji Bob Kindler

“This book is destined to be a classic addition to the important collection of existing Ramakrishna literature.”

— Swami Bodhasarananda, Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata

“This book is a real mine of spirituality for all types of aspirants of all religions. Sri Ramakrishna’s teachings are universal and the anthology adheres to that high ideal. The essential teachings of Sri Ramakrishna are so simple that even a child can grasp them. This anthology too has kept things simple and is heartily recommended to everyone.”

— Prabuddha Bharata

“The Ramakrishna book is a wonder – small paragraphs I can think about along the way of my busy days.”

— Carol Woermann, Universalist Minister Oakland, CA

“I have read the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna a couple of times, so a lot of the sayings in your book are familiar to me. But it is so good to have them elucidated by you, especially the harder to grasp teachings. The index makes things so much easier to find and I very much like the cross-referencing index to the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and the great glossary as well.”

— Richard Ward, South Carolina

“We ought to congratulate you on this wonderful work, An Extensive Anthology of Sri Ramakrishna’s Stories. I was impressed. This is a beautiful and luminous light in which many souls will view our Great Master, and be inspired.”

—  Swami Satyamatananda

“This book of transcendent wisdom has reached me. Let me thank all those who have made their contribution in any form to bring out such an enlightening book. This is a living book which speaks about truth and wisdom, written in such a beautiful way that it easily stimulates both mind and heart. May the wisdom contained in this book be spread and imbibed by all beings.”

— Stanzin Dawa Chandigar, India

“This book is destined in the years to come to be considered the best study on the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna to come out in the West–and by a westerner to date. I say this in all humility…or rather, lack of false humility. Its universally-minded presentation and in depth analysis also provide an incredible amount of information and teachings on Vedic Wisdom in the process. As regards the human condition, ‘The Ramakrishna Stories’ contains, most certainly, a pithy combination of the sobering and the humorous, leading ultimately to the exalted.”

— Annapurna Sarada, President, SRV Associations