Retreat Reflections

kaliOh Ma – Perfect information at the retreat. My questions answered. Shiva – the still point. Ma – You give me the questions, You give me the answers. In this case the questions were the answers. Somehow You guide my inmost thoughts to Your mysteries. You balance me from the exuberant energy of Kali to the deepest still point of Shiva. Your play is a wonder to behold Ma.

Another piece of the never-ending puzzle comes together. Sri Aurobindo and Sweet Mother speak of the spiral to the depths of the bedrock in human nature – and the piercing of that. What is on the other side? It can only be the Divine light which pierces and penetrates every atom in creation. Rumi “Why do you stay in prison when the door is open?” What is this darkness? What is this piercing? Maha Kali, Mother Durga – Goddess piercing the night, piercing the density over and over until not a drop of blood is left. Kali with Her great red tongue lapping up every slide backwards we make. Lapping up all ego posturing, our ignorance, our indolence, our denseness. She devours it all into the deepest darkest depths of Her Being. And what are they? These deep recesses – these caves of the munis? These dark wombs of the Divine? This darkness, this bedrock of our very human nature? All light. The dark is the light just as much as the light is the light. How can it be otherwise? Mother is black, Krishna is dark blue, Radha is gold. All are the prism of the Divine.

I love the deepest, darkest blackness of You Ma. I love Your ebony limbs. I love the power, the depth, the beauty, the wisdom of Your blackest black. Only this embrace can lead to the light. No – only this embrace is the light. It is the depth, the breadth, the Grace, the mystery, the wisdom, the pure knowledge, the pure love, the pure devotion of the light. For they are inseparable. The dark and the light are the dance and the still point of Shiva/Shakti. They cannot exist independently of each other because they are each other. There is no dance of creation; manifesting, manifesting, without the still point of contact to all possibility. The still point of boundless consciousness. Boundless awareness, boundless love, boundless wisdom, boundless bliss. From this font of emptiness which is the font of all fullness of possibility, the dance into form takes place.

So Ma, we must pierce with unwavering discernment Your intoxicating play of Maya through realm after realm, magnificent creation after magnificent creation. And as we hold the laser of our light on the union of Shakti/Shiva, on the point where Your toe rests on His breast, we invoke the conscious play of Shiva/Shakti within.

— Tara