Retreat Reflections

summit viewThe Kali Retreat was amazing!  Focusing on Her for four days in a row, we were thoroughly steeped in Divine Mother’s Wisdom.  We were all deeply saturated!  I loved the fact that the retreat site was nestled in nature.  The forest and streams were easily accessible so that I could take long walks in silence and solitude during the breaks, and this allowed the teachings to really sink in.

The music that was interspersed between the lessons perfectly augmented the teachings, because all of the pieces were songs to the Goddess.  I especially appreciated having the opportunity to raise my own voice during the songs, since they were done as “call and response.”  Imbibing the teachings (jnana), and raising our voices together (bhakti), like the two wings of a bird, lifted us to even greater heights of understanding.

Babaji provides such a clear transmission of Divine Mother’s wisdom; it was as if we were there at Her feet receiving them directly from Her.  One issue that I had been grappling with, having to do with surrendering to Mother’s will, suddenly became clear to me in a very powerful way as a result of attending the retreat.  The confusion I had has been resolved, and now my relationship with the Goddess is so much stronger.

Although the retreat was a complete course in itself, the teachings naturally led up to a study of Kundalini.  But since Kundalini is a subject for a retreat all of its own, we had to save it for the next Fall retreat – a year from now.  It’s going to be like “part 2” of the Kali Retreat!  I can’t wait!

— Kanyakali