Autumn 2010

The Self is Ever Free
One of the tenets of Indian Philosophy is that there is no actual birth and death.  The appearance and disappearance of beings is like the rise and fall of waves on the ocean.  By gauging things via outer perception only, i.e., the senses, souls fall into this trap, calling manifestation and nonmanifestation by the names birth and death.  This is “passing strange.”  That is why Indian traditions state that the fear of death is as silly as a snake living in fear of a frog.

Time, space, and causation have been the three strands of the rope that have bound us to embodiment since time immemorial.

Ego is really a line drawn on water, marking an apparent distinction between matter and Spirit.

You have to go to the Divine couple, and the Divine Word, to enter nonduality.

Be the Witness of all phenomena, not the victim of it.  It is the only way to live for young and old alike.