Autumn 2010



Maya and Mahamaya
Over the long efflux of time scriptures get heavily interpolated.  Then, teachings meant to be symbolic are taken literally by weak minds with no vision who have somehow gotten in charge, and religion loses its way.

Maya has three grades: thick, refined, and Mahamaya.  Thick is the impenetrable density of ignorance; refined is the intellect and all that it offers; Mahamaya represents and holds the spiritual teachings which liberate a man from rounds of birth and death in ignorance and intellectualism.  The Isha Upanisad refers to these three as attachment to ritualism, knowledge of ritualism, and Atman.  The first is a dark hell; the second is a deeper hell; the last is the only option for wise beings who seek Truth.

There is a difference between salvation and liberation.  Salvation is good.  It is the inner peace that is the spring board to higher things.  Liberation is something completely other.  There is no separate God there, or, as the kids say, “Tag! You’re it!”

Love without love of dharma is not love at all.

In all the various lineages of India they have their Ishvara form they love; but then they also have the Ultimate Reality designated as “Maha,” great, or “Para,” supreme, like Paramasiva and Mahavishnu.  So there is form, then there is the Son through whom we get to the Father, and then there is the ultimate, formless Reality Itself.

Singing and dancing will not net you much realization.  But we feel that when you marry devotion with Wisdom via the practice of discrimination, you have a great power for realization.