Autumn 2010



Some Kundalini Yoga Teachings
If you have control of desire or prana then you control your thoughts.  If you don’t, then your thoughts control you, and karmas accrue.

A yogi does not react to any disease, and this is on all levels: physical, mental, and spiritual.

You have to be very careful with “unripe egos,” or “fair faces and false hearts,” as Swami Vivekananda described it.  One of the tests of the authentic teacher is whether he or she does not inflate or buckle under praise or blame.  Such a one is steady, sthithi prajnasya.

Most sages/seers want you to start your work at the mental level, but Vasishtha and Patanjala turned some of their light on the pranamaya and annamayakoshas. The Yoga Kundalini Upanisad says that the chitta (mind’s thoughts) vibrates due to prana and desire.  If one of these two is controlled, then both are controlled. Remember that in Kundalini Yoga there is what is called “shakti chala,” will.  We are to use our will to get a hold of the prana so as to control it.  Otherwise it flows everywhere, taking the mind with it to some very unsavory places.  That is the fate of those with no control, thus no discrimination/discernment.

How is it that we only put sunglasses on in the presence of those who radiate tejas (spiritual radiance)?  Rather, we also have to be mirrors for each other — but these mirrors need to be wiped clean.

The aspiring yogi, the urdhvaretoyogi, sublimates energy.  If mukhyaprana (energy from pure food) is flowing well, then you feel good.  If it is not flowing well, your eyes, brain, and other senses do not function well and your mood weakens or falls into states of rajas and tamas.  Further, when a man feels good and healthy, that is the time for spiritual practice, not for relaxation and entertainment.  As Holy Mother has said, “Those who come to us are not interested in fun.”

By the time people are ready to awaken the Kundalini Shakti, it has already arrived at the manipura chakra, having awakened unbeknownst to them and risen from the muladhara and svadhisthana via various experiences.

God is not a creator.  God is an immovable substratum.

If you take the body and its nerves as physical only, then you miss the whole symbology of the “Kingdom of Heaven.”  The physical is simply a representation of what is within.

How real can the world be when it disappears in deep sleep, death, and Samadhi?  Even in a deep state of nondual meditation it goes away. These are the four most important states of relative experience.  The formless Reality lies beyond these, in Turiya.

On all the bulletin boards today you see people touting that statement that we make our own reality —  that we are really in charge, that all of this is all our own manifestation.  But if you attend one of those programs you find that they just want to route you back into maya via work, money, relationships, etc.  These are not real.  Why shouldn’t my mind partake of my Soul instead of nature only?  It takes fearlessness.  So be fearless.

The Kundalini is a great power compressed within us.  She wants to uncoil!  It will not take much: a little study, a little devotion, a little understanding, a little faith in your Self.