Autumn 2010



Reality and relativity
The girls and boys of the Vedic period learned the Truth of Reality long before they turned their hand toward an occupation.  As a result, their society did not suffer the usual, even exacerbated problems to the great extent that ours does.

A good spouse, job, home, kids — for some, this scenario can be worse than an immoral life.  It is so hypnotic, this conventional living.  Buddha states that the rust of monasteries is nonrecitation of scriptures, but the rust of households is lack of spiritual practice.  Sometimes, by going down an evil path, we can see our error and recitfy it.  But a superficial life of mundane convention freezes the soul, possibly for lifetimes, into a permenant state of stagnation.  As Sri Krishna states in the Gita, “…those fixed in tamas go down, but those fixed in rajas remain fixed, endlessly revolving there.”

Seers prefer the ease of Consciousness to the dis-ease of worldliness.

Brooding upon death, fear, doubt — these are the actual constituents of the veil of ignorance, also called nescience.  That heavy curtain keeps a man in ignorance when he enters deep sleep, and keeps him from remembering it when he awakes.

You cannot get further out than the embodied state.  That is outer space.

We are all natural meditators.  Each night we go into the formless state.  Formlessness is at the hub of everything in Vedanta.  It is the mind which turns the world off and on…and off again.

The awakening soul is like a hailstone falling toward the ocean.  “Oh my God,” the hailstone says, “there before me is my Essence.  I’m going to have to give up form and be one with that Essence, of which I consist.”

Brahman is all-pervasive.  It does not have to move because It is already everywhere.

Seers and sages?  They come tumbling out of India.  What has America produced?  A few geniuses at best, and these only want to make a utopia out of maya?  Good luck with that…..