Autumn 2010



Veda and Tantra
Vedanta is the revelation of the tattva jnan (knowledge of cosmic principles and the Ultimate Principle).  Tantra is upasana-dhyan (the worship of and meditation upon deities).   When you put these two together it is exceedingly powerful.  Shankara and Gaudapada were Advaitists, and underneath were also Samayachara Tantracists.

Everything in this realm is food.  You need to get a hold of the energy of food and do noble things with it.  That, if anything, is the real purification of food.

Siva is one with Brahman, and represents Kula, the aspiring family guided by a living family tradition.

Inside is tattva jnan and outside are material principles.  But from the Infinite the finite has come…so all is tattva jnan.

By propitiating Shakti one comes to realize the Atman to be pure and Sentient, and Nature to be pure and insentient.

Kundalini courses inward, not upward.  The physical spine is only symbolic.  They asked me, “Is Kundalini energy in the spine?”  I told them, “No, only marrow and such.”

Prana connects everything together, outside and inside.

Fasting is not considered a high austerity.  In the scriptures it is not even listed as an austerity of the body.  Worship is the real austerity of the body.  So declares Sri Krishna.

Sanctified food redeems the body.

Kundalini is always present.  You are only becoming aware of Her because you have gotten a hold of the energy in food.

I often go into the prisons to give classes on Vedanta and spirituality.  The return rate of former inmates back to prison after they have been released is called “recidivism.”  But I cannot help but note the recidivism rate of souls released from the prison of this body, this world — millions of souls returning here again and again.  Lord Buddha stated, “Architect of maya, I have seen you.  Now I will not build anymore houses — not of wood, or stone, or flesh and bone, nor of clever conception.”