Spring 2011

Getting in Gear
You have three bodies: gross, subtle, causal.  Not one of them is truly Formless; not one of them is truly Brahman.  Learn to see beyond the three illusory bodies into the three bodies of Buddha, and into the body of wisdom.  Then I will have no problem with your preoccupation with the “body.”

So long as consciousness operates at gross, subtle, and causal levels, so long will consciousness appear to be moving.  The Advaitic Seers, having realized the stationary Self, have settled themselves in the immovable state.  Simulate that in meditation and become eternally stable.

At present you are like a car with three gears: gross/physical, subtle/mental, and causal/formless.  Some beings, unaware of their true nature, are as if driving down the freeway of life in first gear only!  When they discover their inner nature they will find the gears of mind and formlessness.  However, you also have an “overdrive,” called Turiya, the Witness of all three states.  You need to be able to shift gears, then, and this all takes place by the grace of the fourth state of Turiya, or Atman.

You wouldn’t drive down the highway in first gear.  That is what it is like to only be in your waking state.  The physical body and waking state of consciousness is like first gear, and most people never shift out of it.  When you shift into second gear you enter the mental realm of the subtle body and dream state.  These are two more gears yet available to us.  Most people are driving down the highway of life in first gear and they do not know how to shift to second, what to speak of third gear where they begin to touch peace and bliss.  People are constantly shifting between the lethargic physical body and the restless mind.  This is the road of retardation, not the road of radiant Reality.

You dissolve the distinction between waking and dreaming.  You do this by getting mastery over both states.  In the dream state you walk around knowing it is a dream.  Entering deep sleep in full awareness makes you a candidate for the “Peace that passeth all understanding.”

People think there is something mystical about the elements.  But if anything, the mind is what is mystical.  It created the five elements.  Why not look there for the mystery?