Spring 2011

Pithy Points to Ponder
Yamas and niyamas are “merit badges” of early spiritual practice that will stand you in good stead throughout your life.

What does the object represent?  Attachment, obsession, and selfish ownership.  What happens in accord with it?  Decay, destruction, theft, disinterest, boredom.  Now are you attached to it?

Being, shining, loving – think of yourself like this.

People say to pray to God.  But this world, and your life in it, is the answer to your earlier prayer.  Now, how will you use it?

Recognize the Gunas, gain control of them, and from there you can transcend them.

If ignorance dies in you, you are well on your way to enlightenment.

The world is only real so long as you know Brahman to be Real.

We prefer the sponge method to the sieve method.  We inundate you with the teachings so that your ego will give up swiftly.

The Chosen Ideal is God with form.  You are also God with form.  You are cut in the image of God.

Formlessness is the foundation for form, not the other way around.

All the worlds, from the Bhutas to the Trinity, are like pearls strung on a single thread – a thread which is our true Nature, called Pure Awareness.  The trouble is, we get hypnotized by the pearls.