Autumn 2011


Universalism is not just ecumenism, but a supreme perspective based on making everyone brothers and sisters because all religions have the same Essence.  Religions are all different, and their followers will need to follow different regimens, methods, and rules to realize the Truth via their respective traditions.  Universalism is deep and profound, leading to one Essence.  By way of metaphor, it is as if you had a machine that translates the language of “aliens” – Venetians, Martians, etc., so that a kind of uni-speak is there, and everyone can understand each other – that is what Advaita is.  It makes all religions understandable.

Vedanta, Tantra, Yoga, Sankhya – each one of these take one deeply.  And that may be enough for you.  But if you take them all together, you will be able to answer anything for yourself, and for others, in any realm of the universe.

This great immortal frame of Indian philosophy operates efficiently on four great powerhouses: Sankhya is its body, Yoga is its divine energy, Tantra is its loving heart, and Vedanta is its vast and catholic mind.

Why can’t we just look at everything as God?  What is wrong with this picture?  It is the natural conclusion of Advaita and Tantra, only arrived at via different trajectories.  And those denying the roles of Religion and Philosophy will never understand this.

Higher Dualities

People are under the press of the gross dualities, pleasure and pain, good and bad.  The way out of this is to contemplate higher dualities.

The noble dualities include: form and formlessness, bondage and liberation, transformation and nontransformation, Being and becoming, even birth and death.  These charge up the chitta, the thoughts of the mind.  Why spend all one’s time brooding on dualities such as good and bad, pleasure and pain, virtue and vice, etc.?  This goes nowhere except into the cycles of maya.

The highest and best of dualities is to hold two high ideals at once.  Why allow fragmentation at the mental level?  If you do not want to bear the limitations of relativity, why not hold a higher twoness?  Why not focus the mind’s attention on the Real and unreal, the Absolute and the relative?  Thus you will be able to “separate the wheat from the chaff” by contemplating these higher dualities.