Autumn 2011

The Inner Realms

Spend enough time in svadhyaya (concentrated study of the revealed scriptures) and you learn things that are not “in” the scriptures.  As regards the nervous system, in the nerves are 100 nadis, and in each of those are 100,000 more subtle nadis.  But what if you were to take all those out and show them somehow?  It would reveal a map of the Kingdoms of Heaven within where the prana is ever flowing.  We experience prana via physical nerves, but it also flows via the nadis.  Where does it go?  To the “Kingdoms of Heaven,” to the “Chambers of the Lord’s Mansion.”  Follow it deep enough and one starts to get beyond provisional experiences and connect directly to ultimate Unity.  Remember, Consciousness does not move; It is all-pervasive, so It does not have to.

Prana and the Tanmatras (subtle matter/particles) are the missing links in the western thinking consciousness.  Void of the wisdom of subtle energy and subtle elements, who would ever believe in the worlds unseen lying within consciousness itself?  Thus, we see before us the world of the materialist, the sensualist, both leading to worlds like that of the hedonist, the fatalist, and the atheist.

Cause and effect is not just something for the physicists to study.  Cause and effect begins in the mind.  Thus the yogi contemplates karma.

Ether, space/akasha, is an element that is a turning point toward the inner realms. Knowledge of subtle space, beyond physical space, turns a blind man into a seer.

These worlds have the string of pure Consciousness as their underlying substratum.  The West does not know anything about prana and the tanmatras, and therefore has lost the way to the inner worlds.  Taking them up again is like tracing the proverbial trail of bread crumbs back to one’s true home.

Physicists, if they had the learning and the yearning, could look everywhere for the pranic particle leading to access to the realms within, but they could never find it because it is within, seen by the mind in meditation.

One of the soul’s powers is sankalpa, mental projection/dreaming.  With the attainment of viveka, discrimination between the Eternal and noneternal, the soul can access higher dreams and, eventually, awake from all dreams – even the tendency for dreaming.

Smriti, retentive memory, leads to divine recognition.

Svatantrya means inherent Freedom.  When one attains svatantrya, one is free to traverse the internal worlds in full knowledge of the immovable Self.

Everything is within you, even your idea of “aliens” on other planets.  Aliens on other planets are not real, simply because name and form are not ultimately real.

One should stand back and identify the worlds, but one should never identify with them.

There is no need to be afraid of Maya – it is insentient.  It has come out of you.

The gods went to Lord Brahma, the Creator, and petitioned Him for a body with which to enjoy.  At first He gave them a cow body.  They were not happy with the cow body.  Next, they were given a horse body, but this too was not satisfactory.  Then Lord Brahma offered the human body and the gods all acclaimed, “Well done, well done!”  You see, Lord Brahma expanded His capacity and created a form with all these mouths and limbs that is capable of enjoying throughout the three worlds.  Therefore, we even take this human form, the idea of it, with us when we attend the subtle lokas.  In that way, even the form is eternal – “Everything Is.”