Spring 2012

Pithy Points to Ponder
There is a reason why we cannot find God in the world.  God is not a form.  And when one realizes this, then one knows that the awareness in human beings is the only God here, “walking around on two legs.”

Aum is the greatest lullaby of all time.  It puts sleep to sleep forever.

There are many people who have Light, but that does not mean they are enlightened.

If one says there is a void, there has to be a witness of the void.  In its purest form this Witness is indivisible Consciousness.

Use your Savior as a doorway, not a doormat.  Do not worship the personality to the extent that it becomes a barrier.  Principles are more important than personalities.

Vedantists do not believe in going to heaven, they believe in gaining Enlightenment.

If we could see the light of Brahman, we would go to It like a moth to flame.  It is irresistible, yet we do not see It.  Why? Because we have these outer senses to deal with.

Why get bored?  Get peaceful instead.

If the heart is infused with the power of Kundalini, it reflects off of the mind as equanimity.

What does “time out of mind mean?”  It means that time is an illusion.

Man and woman should worship each other.  One is God, and the other is Goddess.  Let Siva and Shakti return to life on earth.

As we grow up, no one tells us how to live for others.  The ego develops in selfishness.  Therefore, one becomes deluded.