Spring 2012

The Universe is Mind Made Manifest
All this, what we perceive with external senses, is frozen thought, solidified intelligence.

The Indian way of learning music and scriptures is to commit it to memory at the outset.  In the West, we go to books, sheet music, learn a few facts, pass a test, and then forget about it.  But the Indian way is based upon the truism that all knowledge lies within.  All objects have therefore come out of one’s mind.  They are not strange or separate from us.  What is strange is thinking they are separate or disconnected from us.  Proper thinking in this regard avoids the error of the sense of ownership and sense of separation.  The maya of all this is that we think objects are something to seek, acquire, hoard, etc.  Do not think in terms of ownership.  Then, you will not have to renounce it all later…..

A “good world” is like “hot ice.”  It is a contradiction and it will never happen.  Why? Because the world begins in an imperfect mind.   Further, God has nothing to do with this.  It is acreate.

We have to avoid the sense of agency.  Why?  Because all action takes place in Nature, not in the Soul.  Further, Nature has come out of the Soul, which is unchanging and immutable.  This substratum that is unchanging is one’s Soul, but we will not know this until we remove all that changes.

The five senses connect outwardly to the elements and inwardly to the mind.

Elements and senses connect back into the mind under these great principles of solidity, liquidity, visibility, tangibility, and audibility.  Everything comes out of these and goes back into them.

It is miraculous, this connection with the senses.  Make sure it remains miraculous.  There is intelligence in these mechanisms; use them purely.  Pure senses see everything purely and connect to a pure mind.

How long should people meditate?  Two hours for beginners.  Why?  Because it takes one hour just to calm the mind.  Then, when the mind is clear, one should use one’s inner senses to see what is there.  This is seeing one’s dreams from a conscious state.  Attaining this ability is a part of transcending the ajnana bhumikas (stages of ignorance).  And why should we care about seeing our dreams in our mind?  The point is, that we then see that everything lies in the mind.

Crystallized mind reacts to every suggestion of passion, whereas dissolved mind is aloof and impervious to such impurities.  What kind of mind one has predicates what kind of body one has.

The mind is dual by nature; all of creation partakes of this.  When one realizes this, one will start looking for the Original Mind.

Crystalized mind is dominated by the cosmic powers.