Spring 2012

States of Consciousness
The Self is the whole of Consciousness; the lower self just does not know that yet.  When one transcends one’s individuality, one will know the collective consciousness.  And when one transcends collective consciousness, one will know the Cosmic Consciousness.  From there, it is a subtle step to Brahman.

One needs to attain realization in the waking state or one’s dreams will not become radiant.  Each night one experiences one’s true nature in deep sleep but does not remember this upon waking.  One needs to strive to bring enlightened Consciousness into every state of consciousness.

Because the Indian Seers established a coherent philosophy for Reality, they could experience true Spirituality, which is far beyond religion.  They point to it with such words like Nirvana, Satori, Nirvikalpa Samadhi, and the like.

Sanskrit has provided words for all these subtle and transcendental experiences.  When we find words provided, how can we deny the existence of these experiences just because we do not have words for them in English?  Therefore, use the wisdom words to elicit higher consciousness.  This is the way of the Wisdom Word, the path of Sadakhya.

What is holding this dream together?  At last count there are 7 billion people holding this dream.  And that does not take into account the ancestors, the angels, the gods/goddesses, and the Trinity.  How many billions of souls are in all these realms?  The ancestors are looking up to the angels, and the angels look up to the gods and goddesses, and these are looking up to the Trinity, and they look up to AUM.  The Word is with God.  Each of these levels of being is a different akasha.  English does not have equivalents for certain Sanskrit words.  Akasha means vibratory atmospheres – from the most subtle to the most gross, until all becomes solidified.

Make the transitions between states of consciousness conscious.  Be the witness to the shift from waking to dream, and dream to deep sleep.  Soon, then, deep sleep may reveal the Light of Consciousness, ever awake.  Then you will have the insomnia of Yoga….

Realizing the gold of your true nature is best done in the waking state, in the “Bhurloka.”  Why? Because anything done in this state or plane registers in all other states.  We repeat in the dream state what we did in the waking state.  Illumine the waking state, then, and “your dreams will become radiant meditations on Reality.”

AUM is for gaining mastery of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep states.  Gaining mastery of one’s waking state is mastering personal karma, all based in transcending the six transformations of birth, growth, disease, old age, decay, and death.  Then one’s dreams will become radiant meditations.  There will be no phantoms or fears, and other problems springing from the waking state.

Regarding the yama of ahimsa, nonviolence: fear attracts fear, and mastery of fear attracts peace.  My Ideal is to keep peace at all levels – waking, dream, and sleep, which corresponds to the realms of outer, inner, and cosmic forces.

The formless state is not alien to us, because we enter into it each night in deep sleep.  It also appears to us at death, in a deep and focused meditation, and in samadhi.

The dream state has forms; the waking state has grosser forms.