Spring 2012

Rehearsing for Death
Shakti comes out of the Ultimate Reality of Parasiva and Parashakti (like Brahman and Shakti in Vedanta).  One is to use the power of Shakti to dissolve everything into Siva and bring it all out anew, in consciousness.  We do this every night when we dissolve the waking state into the dream state, and the dream state into the deep sleep state.  Practicing this consciously, one “rehearses” for death and lives a conscious life.  May all beings pass the “audition”….

The lowest hell in Yogic Life is fear of death.  Go around the neighborhoods and ask everyone if they are afraid to die – the truthful ones will say “yes.”  So, isn’t everyone living in hell?

The breadcrumb trail of cosmology and philosophy leading us back to our Source has been pecked away at by the two little birds of forgetfulness and complacency.  However, by engaging in svadhyaya and aparigraha (study of scripture and nonindulgence) one can retrace them via the akashic record they leave behind.  The clay cup may be destroyed, but the akasha it occupied has not been destroyed.  One can “see” this imprint on subtle space via subtle sight.  This is stated from the context of separating the senses from their objects.  Therefore, in meditation, we are to separate these sets of fives – the five elements connected to the five senses, connected to the five subtle elements, and to the five pranas, etc.  Those who do not separate them develop a habitual and unconscious connection that routes them right back into embodiment after the bardo of death.

Human beings get in and out of the body through the mind.

This is the first principle of Vedanta – the birthlessness and deathlessness of not just God or you, but of Nature too.

[During this discussion, Babaji talked about the four states of consciousness described in Vedanta: waking, dream, and dreamless sleep, and the fourth state, which is the unaffected and eternal Witness of the first three at their individual, collective, and cosmic levels.  He related these to the “kingdoms of heaven within” and also connected them to Dalai Lama’s example of the different “realities” associated with what we recognize as a tree.]  There is the illusion tree that we see with our external senses.  Then there is the real tree that science has discovered as a mass of swirling atomic particles.  Finally there is the Buddha Nature tree, its unchanging Essence/Existence.  The illusion tree is seen in our waking state. The real tree is seen in our dream state and disappears into its cause in our deep sleep state.  The Buddha Nature tree is “seen” in the state of Turiya.  What this proves to us is that nothing is “created”; every-thing is unoriginated, but rises and falls according to the differing states of our awareness.

Suffering from the sense of separation, one thinks: I am separate from you; this race is separate from other races; man is separate from God; Nature is separate from God, etc….  All these are misconceptions.  Did Christ talk about sin and damnation?  No.  That was foisted on us later.  Christ built His teachings on “I and my Father are one,” and “Be thee perfect as God in heaven is perfect.”  But the Church Fathers latched onto “In the beginning was the Word.”  That refers to origins.  But He knew that all was originless, unoriginated, eternal.

Nature of Disease and Health
One’s “I” is disease-less.  The true “I”, if it can be called that, does not get born and does not die.  So how can it have a disease?  Disease is in the mind* and it shows up later in the body.  It has nothing to do with “I.”  *[at individual, collective, and cosmic levels, which is another reason why Samadhi must be practiced, because it purifies the mind at all three levels.]

Patanjali wants us to have a healthy body, mind and Spirit.  Of course, the Spirit is ever healthy, but one has to locate It first before one realizes this.

Our Prayers are Already Answered
“Let us pray to God for things.”  This thought is completely alien to my Tradition.  The prayer already happened before you took the body, and this world was the result of that prayer.  One prayed for liquid to drink, a solid earth to walk on, light to see, (the five elements) etc.  Now, here is your prayer, answered.  What are you going to do with it is the question.

Here is a bit of dialogue not included in most scriptures.  When we prayed to God for the five elements, God said, “Here you are, but the truth is, is that they are all in your mind to begin with.  If you want a world, go ahead and manifest one.   Here are 7 billion souls; get together with them and manifest the earth.  You don’t have to stop there, either, get together with the ancestors and project some heaven realms as well.  But please leave Me out of that mess.”