And Mother Claps Her Hands…

VibodhaThe ever expanding sangha family of SRV Associations welcomes a new brother from the Big Island of Hawaii. Christopher Quinn became “Vibodha” on the auspicious occasion of Sri Ram’s birthday at the ashram in Honokaa. Vibodha means “awakening consciousness”.

Vibodha was the youngest of seven siblings, and the first family member to be born in Hawaii. His parents moved to Oahu from Massachusetts in 1947 just after his father graduated from law school. His father soon became the first Governor of Hawaii. As the son of a governor, Vibodha lived a somewhat cloistered and privileged life. But the seeds of his future spirituality were in evidence as he gradually came to feel disillusioned with society and politics and wanted no part of such an existence. He was drawn instead to frequent the company of local Hawaiians who began to fundamentally change his world view and mental framework. He soon left the crowded island of Oahu and settled into the peaceful, laid-back atmosphere of the Big Island. The native Hawaiians took him in like a family member.

Vibodha received some training in carpentry after high school. He lived a very simple sannyasin-like lifestyle, and spent his time working carpentry jobs and surfing. In 1976 he acquired a 5-acre farm from the Bishop Estate Land trust. At the age of thirty he decided to go back to college, earning a BA in music. A new phase of family life began when he married and had a daughter. To fulfill such responsibilities he developed a modest construction business with employees. Later, he began working alone again, creating zen gardens and working landscaping projects. He also turned more deeply towards seeking philosophical truth. He explored many teachings around New Thought and New Age thinking. Then, three years ago, at the New Thought Center in Kona, he noticed a poster about a visit from Babaji Bob Kindler, who was giving a lecture about the “Kingdom of Heaven Within.” Vibodha was deeply moved by the discourse. Babaji provided a “torrent of information,” as he put it, and from that point on the “Hound of Heaven” was after him. He began to attend SRV classes and events as much as possible. He then attended his first SRV retreat at the Wood Valley Temple and Retreat Center.

Not long after this, at one particular class, Vibodha heard teachings about the guru and mantra diksha, and the thought of initiation took hold. He took this very seriously and discussed it with Babaji. They decided to be patient and wait for the right time. That time came as the result of a retreat on the mantra in Hawaii last autumn.

Vibodha sees Vedanta as the authentic ancient source of all the New Age philosophies he had been investigating earlier in life. The many layers and subtle rounds of teachings are profoundly inspiring to him, and they instill devotion as he follows through with the practices consistently.

His practice is now deep and consistent, his commitment, solid and concrete. He finds the study of the 24 cosmic principles to be invaluable as an aid to gathering and controlling the scattered mind. He has noted that as one learns the teachings of Dissolving the Mind Stream, it removes karmas and frees and liberates, helping one to know oneself as Atman.

Vibodha is a faithful regular at SRV classes. His combination of delight and devotion have endeared him to the sangha. We look forward to sharing the journey with him.