And Mother Claps Her Hands

Lavanya Rupini

LavanyaSometimes we meet someone and it seems as if we have already known them for a long time. Such was and is the case with Carla Manuel, who was recently initiated at Durga Puja and received the name, Lavanya Rupini.

Lavanya was introduced to SRV through her friend, Svabhava, also an SRV initiate, and we were all immediately taken by her warm and friendly manner. Her frequent attendance at classes and retreats, as well as her kindness and willingness to serve, caused all to feel she was already a member of the SRV family.

Born in the Philippines, Lavanya moved to the West Coast with her family when she was two years old. She lived most of her childhood in the Silicon Valley and eventually moved to Los Angeles, where she lived for 15 years. While in Los Angeles, she was introduced to and began to practice Soka Gakkai Buddhism.

Lavanya moved to Portland in 2007. She worked at various positions in food services, including teaching children food prep in the Gresham School System. She is currently serving as Executive Chef in a new farm-to-plate restaurant venture in Hillsboro, Oregon. Lavanya very quickly felt spiritually connected to Ramakrishna Vedanta. She recognized it as a complete practice. After initially experiencing spirituality in a somewhat fear-based manner, she confirmed that it was refreshing to have teachings and tools that were more elevated and ennobling. Knowledge of the Atman and identifying the distinction between the finite and the eternal Self was liberating for her. As she took up the practices, doubt, brooding, and fear became recognized as stemming from old karmas, and her sense of witness consciousness grew stronger — as well as an acknowledgment that she was ultimately not “the doer.”

Vedanta’s liberating wisdom has given Lavanya a greater sense of peace, and a longing to slow down and practice the subtleties of stillness and inaction. An ever increasing sense of compassion for others is growing as well. Initiation seemed natural and inevitable for her. Lavanya treasures the Holy Company provided by the Guru, and the presence in her life of the sangha. Her good nature has endeared her to all, what to speak of her extraordinary skills! The name, “Lavanya Rupini,” bestowed upon her by the Guru means “The Embodiment of Love.” We cannot think of a more fitting appellation for our dear friend and sister.