Manasana Retreat

From the Salubrious category:
Adhidaivasana, infers strongly that “I know the cosmic principles.”  This manasana heals, not with regards to sickness, but with regards to our ignorance. We are ignorant of the cosmic principles within that brought us into the body and the world.  Knowledge of the original (adhi) inner principles (heavens) removes ignorance of where all things came from and where they return to.

The bhakti panchabhavas, the five devotional moods, are each a manasana – a mental posture.  For instance, if one takes up sakhya bhava, then the mental posture of “God is my friend” is adopted, and one reaches a high state of Consciousness via this position and its practice.

In the song, “Mono boli bhaja Kali,” Ramprasad is telling us to consider that everything has come out of the Word – not just metaphysically, cosmologically, or philosophically, but literally.  Everything is literally a manifestation of the Word.  And your mantra has come directly from Om as well.

Columbus looked out and thought, “Maybe the world isn’t flat.”  In the same way, but inwardly, Lord Buddha rose above time and perceived its curvature, and thereby saw that time isn’t linear, but cyclic.

All illnesses are in the mind, so one has to do away with them in the mind.  Thus, one will find that the prana and the body find good flow and good health if the mind is purified first.

If you can memorize the twenty-four cosmic principles, flood your mind with Jnana Yoga, and spend some time in contemplation, there is no reason why you cannot get free in one lifetime.

Heaven and hell are in you already – you do not have to wait for death to visit them.  Further, there is nothing outside of Brahman; all is in God.  And that God is within you as well.  Therefore, even the outer universe is within you, i.e., there is no separate external world.  That supposed external world people believe in – that is the “unreal’ world Vedanta speaks of, not the Divine World.