Manasana Retreat

From the Spiritual Category

Asmitavinashanasana – The ego has died.
What one does in the waking state penetrates into the dream state.  Therefore, to have lucid dreams requires that you purify your waking state.  That is done with austerities and spiritual disciplines.

Therapists examine your dreams as figments of your mind, but the yogis examine them as a state of consciousness.

In Kundalini Yoga, they talk about the silver cord and how it extends from the highest chakra down to the muladhara chakra.  It anchors one to the waking state; otherwise one would not wake up from deep sleep but would willingly stay there.

I often feel my gurus, Swami Aseshanandaji, Lex Hixon, and Swamiji, teaching through me.  It is like a fragrance of the mind.  They have given up their forms;  they are formless now.  They can just take on and give up forms that are open for the purpose of teaching the dharma.

Dhyanasana – I am always in meditation.
God is the Kalpataru tree, the wishfulling tree, but you have to get close so that God can hear you.  So think about the twenty-four cosmic principles.  You are distant, here on earth, so you have to get closer.  Therefore rise up to Cosmic Mind and higher; then ask what you want.  But you should remember that when you get close to God, It will appear so beautiful that you will not even be able to speak!


That is how one remembers one’s lifetime – by focusing on one’s true nature.  Egos are passing.  These are dreams that have passed by.

If you identify with your true nature, then what stands in the way will show up so you can remove it.  Otherwise, your imperfections and inconsistencies merely remain veiled.  Simply put, this is how people either become enlightened, or fail to do so.

The correlative to food in the waking state is prana in the realm of the elementals, and knowledge in the life heavens.  It is nectar-like there.  The gods are enjoying this, like soma.

Getting experience without extracting essence is like bees that go from flower to flower, but who have no hive or queen to return to.  Bees with a hive and queen bee extract nectar from flowers and return to the hive and offer it to the queen.  In this way, then, we have to extract the essence from our experiences and offer them to the Queen of our heart, the Divine Mother.