Navaratri Retreat Notes & Reflection

Ekarnava – the inner ocean of Essence.  Babaji related the story of how Lord Brahma was told by Divine Mother to begin the next cycle of creation.  The first beings that took birth immediately gave up their bodies upon seeing how unfulfilling the state of embodiment was.  Discouraged, he went back to Divine Mother and told Her what happened.  “Oops,” She laughed, “I forgot to give you the seed of maya.  Try again by first planting this seed in the cycle and you will find that they will love the world!”

If you believe in evolution, then evolve!  Don’t revolve.

babaji[Babaji told the Vedic story of the gods going to the Trinity and asking for a body in which to enjoy experiences in Bhur Loka.  At first they were given a cow body, but they did not like it.  Then they were given a horse body, but also determined it was not adequate.  Finally, they were given a human body and they rejoiced, “This is well done!  Here I can meditate on my own Self!”]

[During the first day of the retreat, the verses in the Devi Upanisad led to teachings on how the aspirant needs to connect the tattvas, deities, and lokas.  We learned about the] “Rudras, also called Maruts or Storm gods.  They can be called upon to destroy superimpositions and obstacles.”

[Babaji introduced us to the 8 Vasus who represent the power of various forms of light, such as lightning.  Other deities were given a basic introduction: the Adityas, the radiant and freeborn sons of Aditi and Kashyapa; Mitra, one of the sun gods who sustains the sky; Varuna, who fashions the heavens; the Two Ashvins who are celestial physicians; Svastier, the celestial builder and inventor; Pusan, the protector of races like the Solar line who is the mindborn son of Svastier; Indra the king of the gods; Agni, the fire of knowledge; and others.  Babaji summarized the importance of these ancient celestial deities by stating]:

It is important to account for our divine ancestors.  When I teach about them, I am taking you on a trajectory that follows the Sentient Soul inward, not the outward evolution of insentient matter and those who focus only on it.  When one traces the evolution of the outward from its so-called beginning, then the development of forms to inhabit comes to the fore, but when one traces involution to The Source, the Eternal Divine Ancestors come to the fore.

Mahashakti is the ultimate supporting Force.  No other power, including the all-pervasive prana, operates without Her consent.

You are the Reality, not your experiences.  Before you realize yourself as the Divine Experiencer, you are the Witness of good and bad experiences.

If you do not have Shakti in your philosophy, then you have not provided for an intermediary between the Trinity and Brahman.