Navaratri Retreat Notes & Reflection

 Maya is Eternal, it only goes away in Moksha, as Shankara says, i.e., when the Soul leaves form behind and enters Formlessness.

Q: When they say to surrender to Maya, do they mean Mahashakti?
Babaji: Yes, or Mahamaya.  Surrendering to Maya is what everyone is doing.  But the devotee makes his/her surrender to the Mother of Maya.

People who live and act in morality lead happy lives.  But those who live by dharma transcend their lives.  As Jesus said, “Those who love their life will lose it. But those who hate their life will gain it again in Eternity.”  Thus, life is not ultimately desirable.  One wants Eternal Life.

“Firm conviction of oneself as Brahman is moksha.” (Vasishtha)

Sloka 12: Know us, Great Lakshmi, Goddess of good Fortune; on Your fullness do we meditate.  May the Goddess inspire us!

[Upon reaching sloka 12, Babaji brought forth the chart, “Meditation on the Goddess,” which can be found in his book, Reclaiming Kundalini Yoga, p. 66 with commentary, and followed by the full text of the Devi Gita (which Babaji read out for us).  The chart offers a 14 step guide to meditating on the Divine Mother drawn from the Devi Gita, which is highly inspiring and efficacious.]  

[Sloka 14 of the Devi Upanisad mentions the thunderbolt, so Babaji took this opportunity to look into the Vajra (thunderbolt) in Tibetan Buddhism, where it symbolizes the power to shake ignorance to rubble, no matter how thick it is. As the Bengali poet saint declares:  “Kali’s Wisdom thunder rumbles profusely with the power to level mountains (of ignorance).”  Babaji showed the chart “Precepts of the Vajrayana Path”]:

The Four Points concerning the Process:

1 – Meditate 3 times a day with faith and devotion
2 – Practice holding the mind in an unconditioned state
3 – Realize that whatever appears comes from one’s own mind
4 – Meditate constantly until the tendency to conceptualize disappears.