Summer Retreat Notes, 2016


Science doesn’t look past the atom, beyond matter and energy, so there is no place for subtle worlds, like heavens, inside or outside.  Yet, heaven is a place in your mind; realize this, then remove the notion of place or locale outside of you and you will know what the seers are telling us.  In  short, you are sitting in a chamber of your mind right now.  Here you are, in a room in a house, within a neighborhood, inside of a city that lies in a country that sits on a planet within a solar system, all in present infinite space — all of this in your own mind.

When the Seer reaches Sasmita Samadhi it is like a firefly seeing the sun.

The final Witness, if one could be cited, is The Witness of Brahman, not of the world or the koshas.

We have to break free of the gravity of our individual karma to get the ability to rise above our ancestors and their limited realm.  Simply put, there are stations for consciousness and there are powers that man those stations.  If you want Enlightenment, you have to get free of the ancestors and gods/deities.  Do not come under their power.  Go forward and beyond.  These powerful and power-hungry beings control those stations.

In the waking state the sadhaka’s attention is on purification of action.  In the dream state it is on purification of mind.

Q: Where do our thoughts come from?

Babaji:  Divine Mother oversees the realm of thought.  This is a very high level, however; few are aware of it, or Her.  Next highest is true thought coming from the Trinity and the gods, like Indra, Garuda, etc.  Then, at the level of the antahkarana, the fourfold mind — thought and its quality — it is a matter of how it is conditioned by past lives, like ones lived in ignorance, in which case the mind is foisting thought through a buddhi that is informed by the lower ego alone.