SRV Outreach

 In conclusion are a few notes from Babaji’s classes.

History Class

All knowledge and all history is in the Soul.  The Soul can read it like a record.  If one remembered past lifetimes, then all that knowledge could come back in one’s current lifetime. What stands in the way are time, space, causation, name and form – with the emphasis on time.

It does not matter how much time goes by, since the Soul is ever and always the Witness.  The Soul is beyond time.

Biology Class

Along with outer Biology we should study inner Biology.  The origins to all that exists on earth are to be found in the mind, not in nature.  There is a complex network of subtle nerves in the subtle body, just as there is a gross network in the physical body.  The ancient Rishis of India inspected these in deep meditation, and came out saying –

ara iva rathanabhau samhata yatra nadyah
sa esho’ntashcharate bahudha jayamanah
omityevam dhyayatha atmanah

svasti vah paraya tamasah parastat  Om shantih shantih shantih
There, at the center, in the heart, where all the subtle nerve endings meet,
Like the spokes of a chariot wheel at the hub, abides the Atman –
Stable, yet becoming manifold.  Meditate upon that Self as Om,
And Godspeed to you in crossing over to the farthest shore
Beyond all darkness.   Om peace, peace, peace.

This one chant connects inner and outer biology and points to what is transcendent of both. In meditation one must sort through several kinds of causes and effects.  By the end of this process, one understands that everything comes out of oneself (at the Cosmic level).  This knowledge unites God and man, matter and Spirit.


When you move inside to your subtle awareness, you do not see Hindus, Christians, etc.  There is only the Soul.  Those religious titles are based in external perceptions, and they create divisions.  Within, all is Oneness.

In India, nobody can really call him or herself a psychologist until one’s own mind has been mastered.

[Babaji presented the chart, “The Five States of the Mindfield.”  These states are: kshipta/disturbed, mudha/dull, vikshipta/distracted, ekagra/one-pointed, nirudha/absorbed.  Along with these teachings were others about the 8 Limbs of Yoga and also karma.]

I am not an event in time – I am beyond time.

Birth and death does not happen to the Soul.

Yoga in action is about practice.