SRV’s Autumn Kundalini Yoga Retreat

Buckhorn Springs, Ashland, OregonThursday, October 7 to Monday, October 11 On the heels of our acclaimed Mother Kali Retreat of 2009, SRV’s staff and Spiritual Director are presenting a fitting follow-up and testament to the inmost path of Mother Wisdom by focusing in on the Mahashakti and Her superlative teachings on Kundalini Yoga.  This path will be approached appropriately, not …

Children’s Classes

Holy Mother’s School offers a young children’s class (4 – 7 year olds) and an older children’s class (8 and older). Children meet for classes when assistant teacher, Annapurna Sarada, is present. Older children also receive meditation instruction and practice with Babaji during each visit. Our Purpose: To support the innate spirituality of young children and to expand this awareness …