Sangha News

Internet Media:

In the near future SRV will be experimenting with various forms of social networking and Internet communications.

We will soon have a Facebook page that will be a new form for transmission of the uplifting ideals of Advaita Vedanta and Yoga as transmitted through the Ramakrishna lineage. As an adjunct to the SRV website, the Facebook page will be a new medium of access to the timeless philosophy and teachings of Vedanta that lead to a divine life, as well as a practical source of information regarding SRV events and sangha news.

Many devotees have discovered SRV through the Internet, and this page will be another access point for seekers of authentic spiritual instruction. It could also prove to be a new “loka” where friends and initiates of SRV share Holy Company.

The intention, as always, is to carry out the sacred ideal of the SRV mission – “To set the feet of humanity solidly on the path of universal Truth.”

We welcome any ideas you may have about making this offering a reality. Please contact Anuraga: