Preview of 2014 Nectar Issue

 Featured Articles in Our Coming Nectar Journal:

Nectar of Nondual Truth #29

 Click here to read some
excerpts from this great issue

Nectar 29



















Regular Feature:
Nectar of Advaitic Instruction

Swami Brahmeshananda:
Two Key Aspects of Jainism

Austerity & Service in the World’s most Nonviolent Religion

Annapurna Sarada:
Truth & Karma

The Effect of Pure Speech on the Field of Action

Alexander Hixon:
Essence of Advaita Vedanta

Exploring Gaudapada’s Nondual Philosophy

Babaji Bob Kindler:
Vedanta & Today’s Youth

Liberating Human Awareness Through True Religion

Rev. Canon Charles P. Gibbs:
Blessed are the Peacebuilders

Some Dynamics along the Path to Universal Peace

Dr. Nahid Angha:
Sacred Sufi Poetry

An Expression of Divine Love

Shivakumar Viswanathan:
Noncompromise in Advaita Vedanta

Advaita: A Philosophy and a Solution

Swami Aseshananda:
Facing Our Fear

Placing Death in its Own Grave

We Are Atman All-Abiding
108 Verses on The Atman
– Babaji Bob Kindler








Make sure you order
the upcoming issue of Nectar
by February 25th!

Order this issue here