SRV Early Winter Retreat
The Seven Goddess Upanisads

Part 4 — Savitri & Yoga Kundalini Upanisads
December 13th – 17th
Seattle, Washington
Divine Mother Upanisads remain overlooked and unnoticed among seekers of Truth.
Two important scriptures will come to light on this retreat, revealing the Mother of the Universe as the infinite fount of all Wisdom.
Meditate on Savitri, the Great Goddess,
consisting of rays of Vedic Wisdom, the Embodiment of all Mercy,
Who transports our thoughts, Who is the Essence of Inspiration,
and is adorned with the crown of Pranava (AUM)
– Savitri Upanisad
Location: Seattle, Washington
Arrival: Thursday, December 13th after dinner, by 9:00pm
Departure: Monday, December 17th, 12:00 noon
Tuition (all-inclusive): Adults: $450: Students: $200
Registration: Tuition is due by December 1st
Financial hardship? Call 808-990-3354 to discuss options
Register by email: or by phone 808-990-3354
Credit Cards are accepted and requires an additional 2.4% handling charge. (Call for international handling charge.)