Karma Yoga and Creativity
SRV Associations is announcing part-time staff positions in a variety of important, creative, and inspiring activities. Some require just a few hours a month, some ask for a few hours a week. Some positions can be done from wherever you live and do not require living close to an SRV center. Please open up the links below to read about them.
SRV staff consists of Babaji, Loke Ma, Annapurna, Laurie Saarinen (bookkeeper), and others who volunteer their time in a managerial way. The positions listed below are managerial positions, meaning that whoever takes responsibility for the position can, and often should, seek the help of other sangha members to fulfill parts of it. Each of these positions also necessitate working with other staff members. Annapurna serves as overall coordinator of these different positions.
Book Publishing Manager
Nectar magazine Manager
Bookstore/Library Manager (for Oregon)
Retreats Coordinator
Oregon Ashram Co-manager (need one more person to work with Nischaya)
Many thanks already to:
Jami Grazzini (Hawaii) for taking on schedule announcements for the sangha
Kanyakali (Hawaii) for taking the job of Bookstore/Library manager in Hawaii
Adrisya (Florida/Chennai) for taking over the database
Nischaya (Oregon) who is one of our Oregon Ashram co-managers