Weekend Seminar 2012

Dissolving the Mindstream SRV Winter Weekend SeminarFebruary, 10 – 12, 2012Portland, Oregon Meditation is best utilized as a practice of dissolving the mind consciously.  This will reveal mankind’s formless Essence, Atman.  All forms are manifestations of one’s own Intelligence.  However, because the mind is constantly taking forms, the practitioner must make it responsible for dissolving them.  To accomplish this, we …

Newsletter Archive

RECENT EDITIONS     OLDER EDITIONS Vol.10, No.3 • December 2016 Vol.10, No.2 • July 2016 Vol.10, No.1 • January 2016 Vol.9, No.5 • October 2015 Vol.9, No.4 • July 2015 Vol.9, No.3 • April 2015 Vol.9, No.2 • February 2015 Vol.9, No.1 • January 2015 Vol.8, No.3 • September 2014 Vol.8, No.2 • May 2014 Vol.8, No.1 • February …

Excerpt from Lesson #65

RAJA YOGA STUDENT:  “I have questions about ego and meditation on ego. Vedavyasa remarks that “the unqualified ego” is experienced in Sasmita Samadhi.  I am often aware of how my delusional ego is trying to take some kind of artificial credit for anything and everything that I do, think, and feel.  It often seems rather pathetic, and I am looking …

Spiritual Director’s Message

Dear Devotees, Students, and Friends:    Having just returned from a first-time pilgrimage to Nepal, and within a week turning around and coming stateside for classes and Durga Puja, I am called upon to send a message in the forthcoming Munda Mala for the purposes of inspiration and encouragement.    As I have seen again on this recent sojourn, the world is …

Reclaiming Kundalini Yoga

Reclaiming Kundalini Yogaby Babaji Bob KindlerISBN 978-1-891893-11-7124 pages / $12 USD Kundalini Shakti is the dynamic spiritual energy conceived of as the Divine Mother of the Universe Who rises up (inwards) through the seven chakras, often termed “Lotuses.”  Mother Kundalini is coiled up at the “base of the spine,” and ignobly limited to the lower three centers of eating, drinking, …

Spiritual Graduation

This year’s River Retreat deserves a special place in the history of our SRV Associations.  I am writing this from the standpoint of being the children’s teacher for the last 10 years.  There have been children passing through our program since 2001 and choosing not to continue once their teens set in.  But over the last 5 years we have had more consistency with a few of our kids and some youngsters who have started out in their teen years.  What was unique in this year’s retreat was an obvious “graduation” from children’s classes held in the teaching tent across the stream, to adult classes with Babaji, and the introduction of a special afternoon class for teen and young adults, called Chela Dharma, the path or duty of the student, in which the students studied Swami Vivekananda’s teachings on Karma Yoga.

It gave me a special feeling to watch Marleigh and Allegra settle solidly into the adult retreat, complete with 5:00am meditations.  Allegra became the recorder of Babaji’s progress through his class outline of teachings for the adult classes [see RR Notes and Reflection 1].  At the end of the retreat, Marleigh helped me take down the children’s teaching tent.   Simply crossing the bridge (“to the farther shore beyond all darkness”) and seeing the site of her introductory classes in Vedanta and art/science projects, evoked a feeling of nostalgia for a phase well-completed.

What’s New?

Babaji’s teachings online: Discourses and Articles at Advaita Academy (search under articles, then author>Babaji Bob Kindler) YouTube Godblogs goes Public – Our young students and Babaji decided we should make Babaji’s blog and responses/questions open to everyone.    http://godblogs.srv.org/

Summer 2011, SRV Hawaii

Babaji’s Sunday Class: July 3, 2011, Hawaii This class followed the Wood Valley Raja Yoga Retreat and ended the early summer series of classes in Hawaii.  Babaji used it as an opportunity to continue with the teachings on Raja Yoga, specifically, the teachings on Samadhi. In the Vivekachudamani, Shankara states, “Only by that meditation that is free of all doubts …