Author’s Note/Introduction |
vii |
God in Mankind |
1 |
Love |
7 |
Work, Service, and Action |
13 |
Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother, and Guru Principle |
27 |
Women |
43 |
Caste |
49 |
Truth and Direct Spiritual Experience |
57 |
Self-effort, Character-building, and Wisdom |
63 |
Vedanta |
69 |
The World and Maya |
75 |
Freedom |
85 |
God with Form and without Form |
91 |
Religion and Universalism |
95 |
Bigotry, Fanaticism, and Hypocrisy |
109 |
Reformation |
121 |
India |
129 |
Great Men |
135 |
Tests, Troubles, and Challenges |
141 |
The Poor, the Suffering, and the Lowly |
149 |
The West |
155 |
Authentic Spirituality |
163 |
Education |
169 |
The True Sannyasin |
175 |
Death |
179 |
Faith, Fearlessness, Strength, and Positivity |
185 |
Human Imperfections |
191 |
Hollow Ritualism and Priestcraft |
199 |
Sacrifice and Renunciation |
205 |