Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 28

Table of Contents #28   10 Survival of the Fittestby Swami SunirmalanandaPlacing a unique twist on this oft-repeated phrase, this convincing article reveals the real meaning of words such as “strength” and “fitness,” aligning them with words like “compassion” and “love.” The principle of true Existence is thus rendered clear and desirable. 12 Vivekananda & His Women Disciplesby Professor Sharad ChandraIn the impressive …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 22

Table of Contents for #22   4 Nectar of Advaitic InstructionThis extended offering of A.I. explores burning questions regarding issues such as relative free will, form and formlessness, the personal God, Vedanta and Buddhism, and more. 10 Good in the Beginning, Middle, and Endby D.S. Lokanath A practitioner of three sacred and honored paths describes the inner dynamics of approaching …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 21

Table of Contents for #21   4 Nectar of Advaitic InstructionAs is usual with our readers and staff, we stand ready to test ourselves in the fire of self-inquiry, called Atma- vichara by the luminaries. Thus, questions arise and find resolution in the company of the seekers after God-realization. 8 Steps To Illuminationby Swami Aseshananda Masters of any religious path …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 20

Table of Contents for #20   4 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionBurning questions and cooling answers grace this issue’s installment of Advaitic Instruction, providing intriguing interchange in the tradition of spiritual self- inquiry. 8 The Sublime Continuum of Consciousnessby Joel and Michelle Levey The Tibetan Book of the Dead, from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, has always held both a fascination …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 19

Table of Contents for #19   4 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionContinuing in the tradition, more intriguing questions find their apt solutions in the clarifying atmosphere of nondual Vedanta. 8 Three Great Rishis of Indiaby Swami Ranganathananda Though he has passed from our physical midst, Swami Ranganathanandaji’s presence and his wealth of writings will continue to uplift and inspire us, …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 18

Table of Contents for #18   4 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionCompelling and intriguing questions from our readers followed by answers from our Spiritual Director. 8 Awakening to Onenessby Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee From the inbreath to the outbreath, from the senses to the self, from emptiness to fullness – it is all contained within the boundless and indivisible expanse of a …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 17

Table of Contents for #17   4 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionCompelling and intriguing questions from our readers. 8 Religious Tradition in the Current Atmosphere of New Age Thinkingby Lex Hixon Religious traditions, in all of their cultural and philosophical richness, and inclusive of both their excellences and their errors, act as the stable spiritual diet for a greater percentage …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 16

Table of Contents for #16   4 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionQuestions and answers which confer benefit on us all. 10 Ramana Maharshi and Buddhist Nondualismby Lex Hixon Advaita, Madhyamika, Yogachara and Vajrayana – all profoundly complex and subtly amazing systems of realization – are only surpassed by the incomparable illumined souls from whose radiant heart and mind their essence …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 15

Table of Contents for #15   6 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionCompelling and intriguing questions from our readers. 12 Sri Sarada Transmission – Reminiscences by Two Direct Monastic Disciplesby Swamis Aseshananda and Nityasvarupananda 14 Twinned Jewels – Renunciation and Love, Perfectly Matchedby Joyesh and Sindhu Bagchi 16 Sri Sarada Devi – Mother of the Worlds, Consort of Avatarby Professor S. …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 14

Table of Contents for #14   6 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionCompelling and intriguing questions from our readers. 12 Joint Citizenship in Parallel Sacred Worldsby Lex Hixon Discussions on religious unity, plurality, and solidarity have thus far been limited or relegated only to the occasional interfaith seminar. Rare indeed is the consummate guidebook, the well-constructed map of singular dynamics directing …