Jai Ma Music

Kali Bol Ramakrishna CDKali Bol Ramakrishna!
Babaji Bob Kindler & Jai Ma Music
Expected Release Date: Summer, 2011

Dedicated to Sri Ramakrishna for the 175th anniversary of His birth, Babaji Bob Kindler’s latest offering of soul-enthralling devotional music will feature traditional Sanksrit stotrams, Bengali bhajans, and a new SRV classic in Hindi — the Ramakrishna Chalisa!  An excerpt will be posted on the SRV Facebook page sometime this summer.

Shakti Choir 2011While in Hawaii this month, Babaji convened the “Shakti Choir” for three recording sessions in the studio to grace the album’s chanting selections with Jai Ma Music’s unique celestial sound.  Kali Bol Ramakrishna is rhythmically supported by the wonderful dynamic tabla work of Benjy Wertheimer, and brought to completion with Babaji’s signature cello solos.

**Contact me when Kali Bol Ramakrishna is available