In The Spirit Individual – New Thought

In The Spirit: New Thought

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303. Friends of Theosophy ~ Lex Hixon has several students and followers of Theosophy on his program to discuss the movement’s beliefs and history.

304. On Gurjeiff ~ Students of J.G. Bennet come on In The Spirit to discuss Gurjeiff and their teacher with host Lex Hixon. (1975)

305. Seigfried Finser ~ Opening with the music of Oregon, guest host Eve Quinn welcomes Seigfried Finser on the program. (1980)

306. Mary Bailey ~ Opening with the invocation of Alice Bailey, Mary Bailey speaks with host Lex Hixon on In The Spirit. (1974)

307. Mary Bailey ~ Lex Hixon has a repeat appearance from guest Mary Bailey who speaks on Alice Bailey and Theosophy. (1975)

308. Mary Bailey ~ With a third appearance on In The Spirit, Mary Bailey discusses Theosophy with host Lex Hixon. (1975)

309. Mary Bailey ~ Lex Hixon has Mary Bailey as his guest for a third year in a row. (1976)

310. Bernard Gruber ~ Bernard Gruber of Steiner Books joins Lex Hixon on In The Spirit. (1975)

311. Pierre Elliot ~ Lex Hixon and Pierre Elliot combine for discussions on Gurjeiff and other topics on In The Spirit. (1979)

312. Eric Pace ~ After the music of Phillip Glass and on Swami Vivekananda’s birthday celebration, Lex Hixon welcomes Eric Pace on the program. (1975)