Manasana Book Release at Opening to Life

Manasana Book Release at Opening to Life


Once again the Opening To Life Studio in Portland, Oregon, was filled with the blessing of Babaji’s teachings, and a new book was launched into the world:  Manasana: The Superlative Art of Mental Posture. Babaji spoke to us of taking up a posture in the mind in order to master one’s awareness and attain union with Ultimate Reality. He reminded us that the universe is a mental projection, everything having come from the mind, and that assuming healing and spiritual mental positions would benefit the world and human life considerably.   To conclude the auspicious event, our own SRV sangha sister, Anahata, took us deep into meditation through the angelic sounds of her harp and song.

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We eagerly look forward to Babaji’s next book, Cosmic Quintuplications, so that we can all celebrate the launching of another book of wisdom into this mentally projected world!