Nectar #25 (Winter 2010) is underway and promises to be a feast of universality in the spirit of all-inclusive Advaita – Nonduality. Here’s a look inside:
Dharma Doorway of Nonduality, by Robert Thurman
Emptiness & Compassionate Action, by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
God Who Cares, by Swami Aseshananda
Invitation to the Path of Love, by Sheikh Muzaffer Effendi
Comprehending Nonorigination, by Babaji Bob Kindler
Rationality & God – What’s the Problem?, by Larry Herzberg, Ph.D.
Ramana Maharishi & Buddhist Nondualism, by Lex Hixon
Jainism: Part 2, by Swami Brahmeshananda
The Tao — The Way of Life, by Beverly Daggett
Ever Free, Never Bound, by Paravasta
Plus, Nectar of Advaitic Instruction, Wisdom Facets, Nectar Reviews and more…..
We need $3000 to print and distribute 1600 free copies.
With $950 more, we can print another 500. (This is less than $2 a copy)
Thanks to many of you, Nectar #24 reached a wider audience than ever before. This is the result of outreach and donations. Our readers reached out to individuals and organizations that had not yet encountered Nectar and gave generously to support the distribution and its extra printing costs!
Remember: You, the readers of Nectar, are our distribution network. Order free copies for yourself, friends, relatives, centers, and organizations today. To place an order and/or make a donation, click here.
Our Mission:
To set the feet of humanity solidly on the path of universal Truth.
“It is only by doing good to others that one attains his own good,
and it is by leading others to Love and Liberation that one attains them himself.” – Swami Vivekananda