Babaji’s new book is here!

Yoga VasishthaA Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha
Wisdom Stories of the Rishis Retold
Edited and elucidated by Babaji Bob Kindler
254 pages, hardbound, illustrated, $30.00  

Yoga Vasishtha, an ancient and beloved scripture, details a lesser known period of Sri Ram’s youth not discussed in the traditional Ramayana.  We meet a young Ramachandra struggling to awaken from the veil of maya, to pierce through the shrouded domain of intellectual knowledge.  He has seen the nature of Reality; he recognizes the false perceptions and paltry attractions of conventional life, yet is unable to abide in peace and freedom. 

Stymied, Ramachandra turns to the great sage, Vasishtha, preceptor of his royal father’s court, who forthwith plunges him and all present into a spell-binding transmission of stories that continues for days, intent on exorcising the subtle layers of illusion and confusion that inhabit the mind. read more

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