Sangha and Friends Share Nectar of Non-Dual Truth

Issue 25Nectar #25 has arrived!  Already sangha and friends are distributing it as part of SRV’s mission of “Setting the feet of aspiring humanity on the path of universal Truth”  

Grassroots distribution
Just like last year, we are counting on our readers and supporters to distribute the Nectar of Nondual Truth to one and all via Nectar’s universal religious and philosophical teachings.

Send us an email or call us at 808-990-3354/503-774-2410 to receive a bundle of Nectars.  No request is too small.  Take part in this effort!

Where should I take them?

Colleges, universities, cafes, bookstores, libraries, prison libraries, Temples, Synagogues, Churches, Mosques, Yoga centers, community centers, reading rooms, waiting rooms, hospitals, friends, family, prison inmates, and anywhere else that potential spiritual seekers will see them.  (scroll down for a list of Nectar #25’s articles)

Religion with a capital “R”
Nectar of Non-Dual Truth
is SRV Associations’ gift to aspiring humanity, to all who are weary of the conventional view that religion means dogma, conflict, self-righteousness, fanaticism, one-sidedness, or superstition.  To quote Swami Vivekananda, “Religion is the manifestation of the Divinity already in mankind.”  Further, “The proof of one religion depends on the proof of all the rest.”  Each issue of Nectar presents articles from teachers and practitioners of different religious and philosophical streams, proving that the sincere and dedicated practice of any one path will lead to Truth.

Inside Nectar #25
Dharma Doorway of Nonduality, by Tendzin Robert Thurman
Emptiness & Compassionate Action, by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
God Who Cares, by Swami Aseshananda
Invitation to the Path of Love, by Sheikh Muzaffer Effendi
Comprehending Nonorigination, by Babaji Bob Kindler
Rationality & God – What’s the Problem?, by Larry Herzberg, Ph.D.
Ramana Maharishi & Buddhist Nondualism, by Lex Hixon
Jainism: Part 2, by Swami Brahmeshananda
The Tao — The Way of Life, by Beverly Daggett
Ever Free, Never Bound, by Paravasta

Donate for Nectar #26, Winter/Spring 2011
We need to raise $5000 for the next issue.

  • Be a supporter of Nectar of Nondual Truth [$7 and up]
  • Help SRV’s Free Nectar Distribution Program [$50 and up]
  • Help widen Nectar’s Distribution [$200 and up]
  • Make sure there are future issues of Nectar [$500 and up]

Sneak Preview of Nectar #26 | Donate here