In the Arms of Mother India

There are so many wonderful aspects to the India trip which I carry with me.  Something that is more tangible and easy to communicate is the time we spent with the head monks at Chandigarh, Calcutta, and Delhi.  After our first talk with Swami Brahmeshananda I was left with a full understanding of the relationship between the formed and formless nature of the Divine.  To see his love for the Divine, the play of manifested and unmanifested consciousness, inspired me to dive deep, as Ramakrishna was fond of entreating his students.  Directly after our time with Swami Brahmeshananda I had a most profound and delightful meditation.  The other two times we met with the head monks I noticed it did not matter who asked a question or what the question was.  The answers the Swamis gave were at the least informative and at best illuminating.  I found that after each conversation my meditations were unusually deep and satisfying.










The Swamis for me are the embodiment of wisdom developed from a lifetime of dedication to The Mother, spiritual life, intellectual life, and the practical life of service to God through service to others.  Since the Swamis helped me so much with my meditations I include a bit of doggerel poetry about meditation.


When your mind is fully spinning with incessant pesky thoughts,
And they’re driving you quite crazy and you wish they would just stop.
Throw them at the Mother, demand She take them in,
And fill you up with Love of Her, it’s not some foolish whim.
For what is meditation but calming of the mind,
To put us all in touch with what we seek to find.
The Tao, The Mother, God,
Allah, Yaweh, or Friend,
We seek Her in the silence, we’re only happy when
We sense Her warm embrace in the infinity of space,
Which exists in silent stillness as we’re seated in our place.

– Joy ♦♦♦