In the Arms of Mother India

Sadhu playing the fluteThe problem here is to pick the high point, one that can be described and shared, so that others may appreciate the value of the pilgrimage. The problem being that there were so many amazing things that occurred that it is difficult to narrow it down to just one. Being on the Ganga in Varanasi was certainly high on the list. Yet Delhi offered incredible experiences as well. The other part of this difficulty is the portent of much of what was experienced happened on a much more subtle level and not only that, the value and importance continues to percolate to the surface in such a way that though things were noticed, the full implication was not apparent at the time.

templeshivalingdelhi_homaI guess it is from this perspective that I will offer my evaluation. What this involves is the recordings I made while in India. There were many interesting sounds that were captured. The ones that I keep coming back to, and that seem to continue to go to ever deeper levels, are the recordings of the chanting at the temples. There is something ethereal about them that beckons one to dive ever deeper. The experience being there in the temples was certainly profound in its own way, yet somehow I feel that a seed was planted there just by being present. These sounds continue to resonate in a way that deepens my connection and appreciation of the time I spent there.

– Sanatanand ♦♦♦