At-A-Glance: Babaji’s Teaching Schedule

October: The Holy Season of Divine Mother

SF=San Francisco / PD=Portland / OR=Oregon

Durga heartArati Satsangs @ 7pm
SF — Oct 1, 4, 5 (F M Tu)
PD — Oct 15, 22 (F) [22nd- Arati only]

Classes @ 9:30am
SF — Oct 2, 3 (Sa Su)
PD — Oct 16, 17, 23 (Sa Su Sa)

SF — Oct 2 (Sat) @ 7pm – Durga Puja
PD — Oct 16, 23 (Sat) @ 6pm – Durga Puja / SRV Puja

Other Events
OR — Oct 7-11 – Kundalini Yoga Retreat
PD — Oct 24 – True Freedom Inside & Out Fundraiser

For further details check our Calendar on or Contact Us