Spiritual Director’s Message

BabajiOm Namo Bhagavate Ramakrishnaya!

I extend my warmest regards to everyone in this, my message for the current Mundamala issue, and offer my salutations to all the devotees of our Universal Mother and our Chosen Ideals — Sri Sarada Devi, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and Swami Vivekananda.  May blessings abound!

What to say which has not already been expressed by all the recent masters, and certainly by the unlimited hosts of Rishis who have graced this world with their incomparable presence and teachings?  What to add?  Just this: that reminder and repetition is the spice of spiritual life.  By listening again and again to spiritual teachings of the highest order we will, one day, during a sweet inner period, and at a certain auspicious moment, hear them in such a way that they will penetrate into the depths of our innermost heart. Our main duty, then, is to make sure to place ourselves in the superlative vibration of these teachings in holy company.  The rest will be done automatically, by a matter of natural course. That is when the inscrutable darkness of root ignorance will wear thin due to the constant abrasive action of the light of Truth entering our minds.  At that time, karma and samskaras of the negative kind will be of little moment — just as they are beginning to disappear now, in this present lifetime.   

So abandon all small-mindedness, all meekness, all ignoble thoughts of unworthiness.  Increase your faith and devotion, dedication and surrender, and accomplish everything in the bold atmosphere epitomized for us by Swami Vivekananda when he was here on our very own soil early last century.  As he penned in one of his poems, “Be Bold and face The Truth!  Be one with It!  Let visions cease, or, if you cannot, dream but truer dreams, which are Eternal Love and Service Free.”

Looking ahead to the near future, we have another dharma visit to take place around that most holy time of Sri Ramakrishna’s birthday, in February.  Several new initiates will come forth from that period as well, adding more sincere souls to our growing sangha of dedicated sadhakas.  Turn out to welcome them, and celebrate the lifting of the veils of maya from off the wisdom eye.  This happens — only needs to happen — but once in a course of lifetimes!

Peace x’s 3, and Om Eternal,
