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Visit our website for details and registration forms (as available): 2012 Retreats
SRV Winter Weekend Seminar
Dissolving the Mindstream
February, 10 – 12, 2012, Portland, Oregon
Meditation is best utilized as a practice of dissolving the mind consciously. This will reveal mankind’s formless Essence, Atman. All forms are manifestations of one’s own Intelligence. However, because the mind is constantly taking forms, the practitioner must make it responsible for dissolving them. To accomplish this, we are to do the practice that proves to the mind that gross outer forms are generated from streams of thought and conception, often randomly projected, called Sankalpa/Vikalpa. Leaving one’s mind externalized and untended is tantamount to producing a chaotic world. In the four classes of this weekend seminar, Babaji Bob Kindler will elucidate these connections using the tools of Yoga, Vedanta, and Tantra, along with a special guided meditation.
Spring Retreat
The Teachings of Yoga Vasishtha
May 10 – 13, 2012, Location: TBA (OR or WA)
The ancient rishi, Vasishtha, used esoteric stories to aid the young Sri Ramachandra in seeing through the subtle mental insinuations of Maya. For all those who grasp the nature of Reality intellectually, yet fail to translate this knowledge into realization and thereby continue to suffer the effects of ignorance and attachment, these stories are like surgical scalpels. Babaji Bob Kindler will present a variety of Vasishtha’s teaching stories, with corresponding charts, that we might cut our way clear of Maya’s tendrils in the mind and live purely dharmic and divine lives.
Summer Retreat at the American River
Vivekananda & True Freedom
July 3 – July 10, Location: Foresthill, CA
Swami Vivekananda received the boon of choosing the day of his mahasamadhi and departed his body on July 4th, 1902, giving new meaning to our “day of liberation.” True Freedom (moksha) is the ever-present nature of the Soul – beyond bodies, states, and conditions of any kind. How do the enlightened express this in their lives? How do they teach this highest wisdom to qualified students? How do they help aspiring beings become qualified to realize True Freedom? With the great Swami’s life and teachings at hand, Babaji Bob Kindler will spend seven days at the American River with all those who are ready to remove the veils of ignorance and bondage from the mind and live each moment in True Freedom.
The SRV Summer Retreat is our yearly opportunity for all ages to come together and live the spiritual life with guru and sangha. With its constituent of youth and children, with their respective classes, this retreat allows for a blend of teaching transmission that is both transforming and rare in this day and age.
Autumn Retreat
Divine Mother Wisdom
October 4 – 7, Location: TBA (OR or WA)
Babaji’s personal motto,“None else but Self; None other than Mother” expresses the path of Shakta-Advaita-vada, the nondual path of Divine Mother Wisdom epitomized in the lives of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda. Divine Mother Wisdom encompasses the ignorance-destroying teachings of both Vedanta and Tantra, while cultivating self-surrender and supreme Love for the Chosen Ideal. Nothing is left out. Join Babaji Bob Kindler for a long weekend of blissful and profound teachings unifying mind and heart.