Footfalls of the Indian Seers
Coming to our ashrams in 2013…..
Old and new students, guests attending a class from out of town or at a special event, students in prison – the first question asked when class is over is, “How can I get a copy of this chart?” And the reply has been, “Well, Babaji is putting a book of charts together. We will get it someday.”
That “someday” is on the horizon now…and approaching! We expect some 150 charts, spanning six philosophical approaches, including Buddhism. Each chart will have one or more pages of commentary, and the book will include cross references, an amazing glossary of Sanskrit philosophical terms, and an index!
Footfalls of the Indian Seers will be an outstanding resource for Babaji’s students and SRV’s assistant teachers. Yet, the magnitude of this offering extends beyond our sangha, which is so accustomed to Babaji’s profound and philosophically integrated style of teaching. If we can make the wider public aware of this book (even before it is in print) then practitioners of all Indian schools and religions, and students and professors in philosophy and religion departments of academia will have access to the best contemporary presentation of Sanatana Dharma available.